Californie : Uber et Lyft contraints de rétrograder ?

Uber et Lyft se tirent la bourre, mais il y a un sujet sur lequel ils sont totalement d’accord : empêcher à tout prix la Californie de modifier ses lois …

What’s your solution to fighting sexism and racism? Mine is: unions

No one concerned about equality can deny that we live in a racist and sexist society. Unfortunately, substantive ideas of what we are to do about it are in short …

An Uber Driver’s Death Shows the Harms of Misclassifying Workers

n 2015, Waheed Etimad immigrated with his wife and their seven children to the United States from Afghanistan on the special immigrant visa he received after translating for the U.S. …

Misclassifying Workers Doesn’t Violate Labor Law, NLRB Says

Employers don’t violate federal labor law by misclassifying their workers as independent contractors instead of employees, the National Labor Relations Board ruled on Aug. 29. The 3-1 ruling in a …

Uber And Lyft Take A Lot More From Drivers Than They Say

In July, an Uber driver we’ll call Dave—his name has been changed here to protect his identity—picked up a fare in a trendy neighborhood of a major U.S. metropolitan area. …

New York State Expands Protections for Domestic Violence Victims

“On August 20, 2019, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed A5618/S1040 (the “Amendment”) into law, amending the New York State Human Rights Law (“NYSHRL”) with respect to protections for victims of domestic violence. The Amendment becomes …

Truck Driver Misclassification: Climate, Labor, and Environmental Justice Impacts

California has passed and continues to develop new policies designed to accelerate the adoption of low- and zero-emissions vehicles in the commercial trucking subsector.  These policies set increasingly stringent emissions …

New York Law: A5618/S1040 amending the New York State Human Rights Law in relation to prohibiting employers from discriminating against victims of domestic violence

The Amendment broadens the definition of “victim of domestic violence” to make it consistent with the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (NY Soc. Serv. L § 459-A). In addition, although the …

Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Permit Employment Discrimination Against Transgender Workers

The Trump administration’s Department of Justice is asking the Supreme Court to set a legal precedent that would enable employers to fire employees because they are transgender. The Department of …

Another Union Sues to Block Trump Workforce Orders

A union representing Veterans Affairs employees in Buffalo, N.Y., filed a federal lawsuit this week challenging three executive orders that have been at the center of another legal challenge for …