In Thryv, Inc., the Board clarified its make-whole remedy to expressly ensure that workers who are victims of labor law violations are compensated for all “direct or foreseeable pecuniary harm” suffered as …
In Thryv, Inc., the Board clarified its make-whole remedy to expressly ensure that workers who are victims of labor law violations are compensated for all “direct or foreseeable pecuniary harm” suffered as …
General Counsel Abruzzo issued GC Memo 23-02 addressing “Electronic Monitoring and Algorithmic Management of Employees Interfering with the Exercise of Section 7 Rights.” The memo surveys developments in these areas and …
“In 2019 – 2022, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights led the project on civil liability for human rights violations funded by the Oak Foundation (Project). The Project involved a comparative …
(Reuters) – Call center employees who communicated with customers exclusively via computer can seek overtime wages for the time they spent booting up the company’s machines at the start of …
Starbucks Corp. employees are suing the company for defamation over its response to a union protest. In a lawsuit filed Monday in South Carolina state court, eight Starbucks workers accused …
A proposed rule could affect Uber, Lyft and other companies that rely on independent contractors. The Labor Department has proposed a rule that could make it harder to classify gig …
The Biden administration is proposing a new rule that could put more gig workers on company payrolls, scrapping a Trump administration rule from 2021 that made it easier for firms to classify …
Esta es la segunda conferencia mundial de la Red Internacional de Abogados que Ayudan a los Trabajadores (ILAW), donde los miembros establecen una agenda ambiciosa para la defensa, el litigio …
Holding: We have carefully reexamined the question of whether an employer’s statutory obligation to check off union dues terminates upon expiration of a collectivebargaining agreement, especially in light of the …
The Exploited Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence
“Supporting transnational worker organizing should be at the center of the fight for “ethical AI.” The public’s understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) is largely shaped by pop culture — by blockbuster …