“Indirect Discrimination, Justification and Proportionality: Are UK Claimants at a Disadvantage?”

In this article, the authors discuss how both the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) approach the standard of scrutiny for the …

UK: “Work in Britain’s Informal Economy: Learning from Road-Side Hand Car Washes”

This article examines the phenomenon of a rapid increase in hand car washes in the UK. In this context, the authors ask what this increase tells us about “informalization of …

Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) and RooFoods Limited T/A Deliveroo

The IWGB (the Union) submitted an application to the CAC dated 28 November 2016 that it should be recognised for collective bargaining by RooFoods Limited T/A Deliveroo (Deliveroo) for a …

UBER B.V. vs. Aslam

Here, Uber lost its appeal against a decision that its drivers are properly classified as workers. Driver Yaseen Aslam had previously won an employment tribunal case in 2016 which cited Uber’s …

The Employment Status of Uber Drivers A Comparative Report Prepared For The Social Law Project, University Of The Western Cape

Oxford Pro Bono Publico University sponsored research project from 2017 highlighting the status of Uber drivers in a variety of jurisdictions with a comparison between drivers in the United Kingdom, Ireland, …

UK: Unison, R (on the application of) v Lord Chancellor [2017] UKSC 51

The ruling in this appellate case, which applies both to the public and private sectors, addressed whether fees imposed upon a person who wishes to pursue proceedings in an Employment …

UK: Good Work: The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (the “Taylor Review”)

The Taylor Review is the 116-page document on which the December 2018 United Kingdom (“U.K.”) “Good Work Plan” was based. The Taylor Review is an independent report commissioned in 2016 …

UK: “Tribunal awards £2 for employer’s refusal of unsuitable companion at disciplinary hearing”

In a decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) in the United Kingdom, applying Section 10 of the Employment Relations Act 1999 and reconsidering its decision in Toal & Hughes …

UK, EU: “In Unions We Trust! Analysing Confidence in Unions across Europe”

This article reports on the findings of an empirical study undertaken in fourteen European countries, exploring whether there is a genuine crisis regarding “confidence in unions”. It emerges that unions …

“Transnational Collective Agreements and the Development of New Spaces for Union Action: The Formal and Informal Uses of International and European Framework Agreements in the UK”

This article explores the relevance of transnational collective agreements (TCAs) for industrial relations on an international and UK basis. The empirical study considers four UK multinational companies covered by TCAs, …