This article reviews how the United Kingdom (“U.K.”)’s Trade Union Act 2016 (the “TU Act”) strike authorization laws and regulations were influenced by the requirements and regulations concerning the right …
The UK is home to some of the largest multinational corporations in the world operating through integrated networks of subsidiary companies and complex supply chains. Through their global activities, UK …
Labour would extend workers’ rights and “restore the balance of power in the workplace”, shadow chancellor John McDonnell has said. He promised more rights for people working in the so-called …
A useful summary of the holding of the Supreme Court, finding that the plumber at issue was in fact a worker of Pimlico, is set forth in: Amie Tsang, U.K. Court …
Foster parents and fundamental labour rights
The work of parenting is a labour of love. There is no work that is harder and there is no work that is more rewarding. How many parents have reflected …