This article analyzes the National Court decision 127/2021 which declared the illegality per Spanish Law of multiple clauses of the Framework Agreement IV on the regulation of employment relationships of …
El fallo recuerda que el Supremo ya unificó doctrina en septiembre de 2020, cuando dictaminó en un caso similar -aunque entonces el denunciado era Glovo- que la relación entre estas …
Spain approved a pioneering law Tuesday that gives delivery platforms a mid-August deadline to hire workers currently freelancing for them and that requires transparency of artificial intelligence used to manage …
Spanish unions will be given access to the algorithms companies such as Uber use to manage their workforce in the gig economy, to monitor conditions and stop workers being underpaid …
La ley de riders nace con el acuerdo de los agentes sociales. Finalmente, la CEOE ha dicho que sí en una reunión casi nocturna. UGT y CC OO ya habían aprobado la …
Spain’s labour ministry, trade unions, and employer’s associations have agreed this week in principle to a law improving the rights of food delivery workers employed by global digital platforms like …
Los avatares que precedieron a la firma del Acuerdo social son ya conocidos, y arrancan de la ofensiva jurídica de las empresas de plataformas para conseguir un pronunciamiento judicial que …