Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: IS IT FIT FOR PURPOSE?

Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: Is It Fit For Purpose? is the third report released in a multi-year collaborative project evaluating company responses to Australia’s modern slavery reporting regime, and follows earlier …

Upholding Qantas’s decision to sack staff would weaken workplace rights, union warns

Upholding Qantas’s decision to sack staff ahead of industrial action would create “uncertainty” about accessing workplace rights and water down protections against other forms of discrimination, such as sacking workers …

Labor gets its workplace changes through in the nick of time after late-night Senate sitting

Labor’s centrepiece industrial relations laws have passed the parliament, after many hours of late-night debate. It’s a political win for the government, which wanted the bill passed before the end …

Australia: Labor gets its workplace changes through in the nick of time after late-night Senate sitting

Labor’s centrepiece industrial relations laws have passed the parliament, after many hours of late-night debate. It’s a political win for the government, which wanted the bill passed before the end …

Civil Liability for Human Rights Violations: A Handbook for Practitioners

“In 2019 – 2022, the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights led the project on civil liability for human rights violations funded by the Oak Foundation (Project). The Project involved a comparative …

Legislating to Rebuild Worker Power: The Industrial Relations Reforms We Need from the Albanese Labor Government

“Industrial relations reform has been a highly contested area of Australian public policy for the last 30 years. But let’s focus on the period since the last Labor Government brought …

Time to deliver on gig economy worker rights

It has been 10 years since Uber arrived in Australia. While there have always been independent contractors that work on demand, the launch of the app-based ride-hailing business triggered a …

Uber Eats riders’ families launch legal battle for compensation after deaths

The transport union has launched legal proceedings in an attempt to force the NSW state insurer to pay compensation for the deaths of two Uber Eats riders who were killed …

Family of Hungry Panda delivery rider killed at work awarded $834,000 in landmark decision

The family of a Hungry Panda delivery rider killed in Sydney in 2020 will receive more than $800,000 under the NSW workers’ compensation scheme, in what the union says is …

Australia: Uber calls for industry-wide earnings safety net for gig workers

Ride-share giant Uber is calling for standard, minimum rates of pay across Australia’s gig economy in a stance that will shift the debate over worker protections and shake up the …