This report advocates for the establishment of a legally binding agreement, between apparel brands/retailers sourcing from Pakistan and labor rights groups/unions, for the purpose of ensuring workplace safety in Pakistan’s …
With consumers increasingly paying attention to working conditions in the supply chain, companies have published ambitious ethical commitments to promote a responsible image. Samsung proclaims to be “one of the …
Employers don’t violate federal labor law by misclassifying their workers as independent contractors instead of employees, the National Labor Relations Board ruled on Aug. 29. The 3-1 ruling in a …
Rabat – After receiving a pile of written protestations against an “undemocratic” and “unilateral” government-sponsored draft bill on the right to strike, the Moroccan government, through its ministry of employment …
El abogado de la CTM dio a conocer que tienen más de 400 amparos combatiendo los puntos sin sustento o contradictorios de la Ley Federal del Trabajo reformada. Lejos de …
A union representing Veterans Affairs employees in Buffalo, N.Y., filed a federal lawsuit this week challenging three executive orders that have been at the center of another legal challenge for …
De acuerdo a la Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH) del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), aproximadamente 1.636.200 personas declararon estar ocupadas en promedio en el año 2018. De éstas, más …
Foodora workers’ push to unionize in the gig economy is “really just the first battle in a much bigger war,” says courier and union organizer Alex Kurth. This week, couriers …
“Clothing chains Levi Strauss & Co., The Children’s Place Inc. and Kontoor Brands Inc agreed to start a pilot program aimed at combating gender-based violence and harassment at five factories owned …