Ukraine: Draft Law Threatens Trade Union Rights

Ukraine’s parliament is considering draft amendments to the country’s trade union law that, if adopted, would impose serious and unjustified restrictions on workers’ rights to freedom of association, Human Rights …

PERC Statement on Armenia-Azerbaijan armed conflict.

“Peace is an integral condition for the well-being of workers. The trade union movement is based on the principle of unity. The movement has always systematically opposed narrow political interests …

Fear at work

“An inside account of how employers threaten, intimidate, and harass workers to stop them from exercising their right to collective bargaining The central fact of our economy is the long-term …

Mauritian employers use Covid-19 to push back against labour laws

Mauritian unions, including IndustriALL affiliate the Confederation of Workers in the Public and Private Sectors (CTSP), celebrated new labour law amendments as an important win after 16 years of sustained pressure on …

UN experts call on Tanzania to end crackdown on civic space

UN experts* today urged Tanzania to immediately drop legislative and other measures that further curb civic space, particularly as the country gears up for October elections, and urged the Government …

NLRB’s GM Ruling Gives Employers More Slack to Discipline Speech

“Ruling in a case involving General Motors LLC, the National Labor Relations Board has given private-sector employers more leeway to dole out discipline or fire workers for racist, sexist, and …

General Motors LLC (14-CA-197985)

The National Labor Relations Board decision in General Motors has given private-sector employers more power to discipline or discharge workers for “offensive” speech or conduct which takes place in the …

Cambodia: ‘Change to labour law could hurt workers’

Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Ith Sam Heng said the private sector has been confronted with competition from other exporting countries and the government is cooperating to find a …

NLRB Rulings Tip Balance Toward Management Coping With Contagion

“The National Labor Relations Board has taken a deregulatory approach to labor and workplace law under the Trump administration, and the agency has largely stayed on that management-side course during …

UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Assembly Communication on Ukraine Draft Law

“In this connection, I would like to bring to the attention of your Excellency’s Government information I have received concerning the draft law No. 2681, which includes several provisions that, …