S. Korea to draw up rules for better working conditions for foreign fishing crews

South Korea said Monday it will launch a new set of rules next year to improve the working environment of foreign crews on local fishing boats, which centers on providing …

Federal Labor Agency Says Google Wrongly Fired 2 Employees

A federal agency said on Wednesday that Google had most likely violated labor law when it fired two employees who were involved in labor organizing, a spokesman for the agency said. …


“The Brazilian Labor Law is based on the Federal Constitution (CF) of 1988 and the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) of 1943, as well as laws governing specific themes, such …

Cambodia: Report on Prosecution of Six Independent Trade Union Leaders

“The treatment of labor union leaders by governmental authorities in Cambodia has a volatile history and has been the subject of concern by various international and regional authorities, including the …

Por qué en Colombia casi no hay sindicatos (y qué tiene que ver eso con los asesinatos de líderes sociales)

Los habitantes de Nariño, en el sur de Colombia, empezaron esta semana con la confirmación de dos asesinatos con un elemento común: que sus víctimas murieron a causa de su …

Avala Corte reforma laboral que regula vida interna de los sindicatos

La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) avaló la constitucionalidad de la reforma laboral promulgada el año pasado y que regula la vida interna de los sindicatos conforme a los compromisos suscritos por México en el T-MEC. La Segunda Sala …

The Transformation of the Mexican Labour Regulation Model and its link to North American Economic Integration

This working paper analyses the transformations of the Mexican labour regulation model in its different phases. The first phase is selective inclusion of waged workers among the beneficiaries of the …

Reflections on Labour Law from a Southern African Perspective

This compilation consists of four parts. Part 1 consists of opening addresses by Corrine Vargha, Karen Curtis and Judge Waglay. Part 2 covers the topic ‘freedom of association and collective …

Alista SCJN aval a nuevas reglas para sindicatos

La Suprema Corte de Justicia se dispone a avalar todos los aspectos relevantes de la reforma laboral de mayo de 2019, impugnados por decenas de sindicatos. https://www.reforma.com/aplicacioneslibre/preacceso/articulo/default.aspx?urlredirect=https://www.reforma.com/alista-scjn-aval-a-nuevas-reglas-para-sindicatos/ar2073411?__rval=1

Settlement in Albanian Oil Worker Case

At the request of the International Lawyers Assisting Workers (ILAW) Network member Gentian Sejrani, the ILAW Network wrote an open letter calling on the Albanian Government to ensure the immediate …