Property Owners Win Big in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid

Earlier today, in Cedar Point Nursey v. Hassid, the Supreme Court held that a California regulation that grants union organizers temporary access to farm property to speak with agricultural workers is a per se taking …

The Supreme Court’s Latest Union-Busting Decision Goes Far Beyond California Farmworkers

On Wednesday, the court’s conservative supermajority held that California’s law violates the Fifth Amendment, which bars the taking of private property for public use “without just compensation.” Remarkably, the majority …

ECtHR Judgment: Melike v. Turkey

The European Court of Human Rights found Turkey breached Art. 10 of the Convention in terminating a public sector employee for ‘disturbing the peace’ who ‘liked’ 3rd party Facebook posts …

ILO: Resolution concerning the second recurrent discussion on social protection (social security)

Here is the Report of the Recurrent Discussion Committee: Social Protection (social security):—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_804457.pdf Here is the ILO Resolution:—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_806099.pdf

Greek lawmakers pass labour reform amid protests, strike

Greek lawmakers approved late on Wednesday a labour reform bill that allows employees to opt for a longer working day in exchange for time off, a measure that has sparked …

Sala IV suspende aplicación de ley de huelgas mientras resuelve acción de inconstitucionalidad

La Sala Constitucional suspendió temporalmente la aplicación de la ley reguladora de las huelgas, mientras resuelve una acción de inconstitucionalidad presentada por el secretario general de la Asociación Nacional de …

Anticipan cascada de quejas laborales bajo el T-MEC

Los procedimientos estarían enfocados en el sector maquilador y una queja que se presentaría en breve sería contra Fisher Dynamics, fabricante de autopartes en Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Susana Prieto Terrazas, representante …

In the United States, the digital giants are baring their claws against emerging support for trade unions

“A little grey letterbox could lead to huge changes for employees at Amazon’s Bessemer warehouse in Alabama. On 9 April, workers at the site overwhelmingly voted against the creation of a …


The European Court of Human rights held that the right to strike under Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights takes precedence of economic freedom. “Firstly, the Court …

Enforceable social clauses in trade agreements with ‘bite’?

“Implications of the EU–South Korea Panel of Experts Report of 20 January 2021 Policy Implications The EU–South Korea Panel of Experts Report (‘the Report’) confounded expectations by asserting that it …