The 3rd revised version of a draft treaty on transnational corporations and other business enterprises (3rd revised draft treaty on business and human rights) was published by the Intergovernmental Working Group established by the …
A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday threw out the National Labor Relations Board’s restrictive Trump-era test for determining when property owners can bar onsite contractors’ employees from picketing, saying it …
A new safety agreement for workers in Bangladesh has been agreed following months of negotiations between brands and global unions, with plans to expand to other countries. The new agreement, …
SILAO, Mexico, Aug 17 (Reuters) – General Motors (GM.N) employee Mari says that for the past decade, she has felt powerless to demand higher pay at the plant in central Mexico that …
Below is the text of the Third Revised Draft of the Legally Binding Instrument To Regulate, In International Human Rights Law, The Activities Of Transnational Corporations And Other Business Enterprises …
En la mañana de este martes la Cámara de Senadores aprobó con 18 votos en 27 el proyecto de ley presentado por la legisladora colorada Carmen Sanguinetti para regular el teletrabajo. Durante la sesión se …
Other People’s Rotten Jobs Are Bad for Them. And for You.
“A few years ago, a part-time minimum wage worker at an upstate New York McDonald’s suspected a gas leak. When he alerted his supervisors, they told him to ignore it or …