Labour’s employment rights bill: what key changes will it bring?

Labour’s employment rights bill is the biggest step towards enacting one of its key election offers: to make sweeping changes to rights at work and improve pay. Here are the main details …

Injerencia patronal, el principal motivo de activación de las quejas laborales en el marco del T-MEC

La injerencia patronal, prohibida en la Ley Federal del Trabajo, así como en el acuerdo comercial con Estados Unidos y Canadá, es uno de los principales motivos que origina las quejas laborales …

La Justicia suspendió los decretos que establecieron como esencial el servicio de aeronavegación

La justicia nacional del Trabajó suspendió los dos decretos del gobierno nacional de Javier Milei que establecieron como servicio esencial al sistema de aeronavegación. El juez Ricardo Hierrezuelo aceptó un planteo de la …

Massachusetts Ballot Measure Criticized for Creating Gig Worker ‘Company Unions’

Typically, industry would fight tooth and nail against a new state law making it easier for their workers to collectively bargain. You might expect to see the kind of campaign …

Samsung sues Indian labour union over strike as dispute escalates

Samsung Electronics’ Indian unit has sued members of a labour union that has led a strike for 11 days at its only India home appliances plant in the southern state of …

Israeli labor court rules: Ongoing strike is ‘political’

The National Labor Court ruled on Monday that the general strike launched by the Histadrut, the state’s largest labor union, was illegal and thus void. Following the ruling, Histadrut chairman Arnon …

Amazon Staten Island Center Is Retailer’s First to Unionize

Amazon Inc. lost its bid to challenge a representation election at a New York warehouse, cementing it as the company’s first unionized facility. The National Labor Relations Board dismissed Amazon’s objection to …

El Gobierno amaga con despedir a los trabajadores que se unan al paro del Poder Judicial

El Gobierno de Andrés Manuel López Obrador pidió dejar de pagar el sueldo a los trabajadores públicos que secunden el paro de labores contra la reforma judicial. La Secretaría de Hacienda …

UK: Laws on union strike threshold set to be scrapped

The government is set to scrap higher thresholds for strike action introduced by the Conservatives. It is understood Labour will reverse the changes, which took effect in 2017, as part …

Laws on union strike threshold set to be scrapped

The government is set to scrap higher thresholds for strike action introduced by the Conservatives. It is understood Labour will reverse the changes, which took effect in 2017, as part …