“A new study commissioned by The Left in the European Parliament sets out how subcontracting has become the business model for exploiting workers in the EU. Numerous scandals – from systemic exploitation …
A new report on the auto industry cites extensive links to Xinjiang, where the U.S. government now presumes goods are made with forced labor. The global auto industry remains heavily …
Here is the updated language and proposal for a Dutch Mandatory Due Diligence Bill English: https://www.mvoplatform.nl/en/english-translation-of-the-bill-for-responsible-and-sustainable-international-business-conduct/
Non-governmental organisation and academia want the EU’s proposed ban on products made with forced labour to be toughened up, but employers from developing countries are urging caution, saying that products …
Unions representing tens of millions of workers in India are calling on Britain to suspend talks on a trade deal with the country, warning it would open UK markets to goods produced by child labour and …
British authorities are being taken to court this month after campaigners took legal action over their failure to block imports of cotton made with forced labour in the Xinjiang region …
A group of major U.S. businesses wants the government to hide key import data — a move trade experts say would make it more difficult for Americans to link the …
The US has dropped an import ban on Indian garment maker Natchi Apparel, imposed originally on concerns over forced labour. Natchi Apparel, is owned by Eastman Exports and was added …
Products made with forced labour or those imported into the 27-country European Union will be banned under draft rules, according to an EU document seen by Reuters, a move driven …
Commentary: Oral Argument in Doe v. Apple
Last week, the D.C. Circuit heard oral argument in Doe v. Apple, a case brought by victims of forced labor and human trafficking against five U.S. technology companies. The plaintiffs are children or …