“La pandemia originada por la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto sin precedentes en el mundo laboral. En este contexto, uno de los sectores más afectados ha sido el del trabajo …
“La pandemia originada por la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto sin precedentes en el mundo laboral. En este contexto, uno de los sectores más afectados ha sido el del trabajo …
“The scope of workplace surveillance exploded during the pandemic as millions of workers turned their homes into offices. Some managers, accustomed to keeping tabs on their employees by walking past …
Here is the text of the Bill to regulate employer surveillance of workers in California: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1651
More than 229 million construction workers around the globe may benefit from a revised and updated code of practice on safety and health, adopted by International Labour Organization (ILO) experts …
This is the full decision from the US Supreme Court blocking vaccine mandates for large employers. US Supreme Court Decision on Vaccine Mandates by OSHA
But the justices allowed a vaccination requirement for health care workers at facilities that receive federal money. The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a vaccine-or-testing mandate …
Heading into 2022 — and a potential third year of the COVID-19 pandemic — California officials faced a familiar-feeling dilemma. Help businesses recover from an economic roller coaster by quashing burdensome new …
Long-term care is in crisis; building worker power is the solution
“If these two pandemic years have felt long to you, imagine what it was like for the hundreds of thousands of long-term care workers when Covid hit in nursing homes …