Peru: National jurisdictional plenary of labor and procedural labor

Title in Spanish: Pleno jurisdiccional nacional laboral y procesal laboral The Judicial Power of Peru established, through a national jurisdictional plenary, that in case of unjustified and fraudulent dismissal, the …

Peru: Sectoral plan for equality and non-discrimination in employment and occupation (2018-2021)

Title in Spanish: Plan sectoral para la igualdad y la no discriminación en el empleo y la ocupación (2018-2021) The Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment of Peru published …

Supreme Decree that modifies the Supreme Decree N° 009-98-TR, Regulation for the application of the right of workers of private activity to participate in the profits generated by the companies where they provide services

Title in Spanish: Decreto Supremo que modifica el Decreto Supremo N° 009-98-TR, Reglamento para la aplicación del derecho de los trabajadores de la actividad privada a participar en las utilidades …

Instructions that regulate the percentage of labor inclusion of people with disabilities

Title in Spanish: Instructivo que regula el porcentaje de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document that regulates the percentage of labor …

Paid domestic work and the struggles of care workers in Latin America

The authors compare the working conditions of domestic workers in Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico.

Peru: Regulation of Act N° 30709, Act that prohibits remunerative discrimination between men and women

Title in Spanish: Reglamento de la Ley N° 30709, Ley que prohíbe la discriminación remunerativa entre varones y mujeres. The regulation of the act that prohibits remunerative discrimination between men and …

Labor rights of foreign migrants in Ecuador

Title in Spanish: Derechos laborales de los migrantes extranjeros en el Ecuador The Ministry of Labor of Ecuador published a document with guidelines for the control of the exercise of …

Sentence N° 375-17-SEP-CC, Case N° 0526-13-EP, Constitutional Court of Ecuador

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has established as jurisprudential rules that workers with catastrophic/professional illnesses have labor stability and can not be separated from their jobs because of their health …

Ineffective dismissal in Ecuadorian legislation. An analysis of the reforms incorporated in the Labor Code for working mothers.

Title in Spanish: “El despido ineficaz en la legislación ecuatoriana. Un análisis de las reformas incorporadas en el Código del Trabajo para las madres trabajadoras” The article tackles the protection …

US EEOC and Peru sign historic national collaboration and dissemination agreement to combat labor discrimination

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the United States of America and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru have signed a Memorandum of Understanding by which they commit to …