Will Migrant Workers Be Covered by the Canada Emergency Response Benefit?

“Governments continue to ramp up their response to the COVID-19 pandemic both through prevention measures to stem the spread and through new initiatives to financially support Canadian workers and businesses …

Moral bankruptcy during times of crisis: H&M just thought twice before triggering force majeure clauses with suppliers, and here’s why you should too

COVID-19 is forcing companies to make tough business decisions. But they cannot declare moral bankruptcy and expect to emerge unscathed from the pandemic. By reflexively triggering force majeure clauses to …

US: ‘Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act’’ or the ‘‘CARES Act’’.


This briefing note is focused on the various measures being taken through Europe with regards to social protection and sick pay regulations and legislation. In some cases that has meant …

ETUC Briefing Note: Short Time Work Measures Across Europe

This briefing note prepared by ETUC is to assist in on-going negotiations around ‘short time work schemes’ as an alternative to having workers fully laid off, and are able to …

Kenya: Employee rights and guarantees during COVID-19 Pandemic

“Employment relationships are not commercial contracts, and the court must strive to achieve the delicate balance between the need for our national economic development, and the protection of the dignity …

Putting people first 12 governments show the world how to protect lives, jobs and incomes

The ITUC has analysed the government responses of 69 countries for whom we have information on the ITUC COVID-19 webpage. The best of these responses have provided immediate support for …

Abandoned? The Impact of Covid-19 on Workers and Businesses at the Boom of Global Garment Supply Chains

“The global Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on global garment supply chains, and the situation will get far worse before it gets be”er. As clothing outlets have been …

India: MHA Order restricting movement of migrants and strict enforcement of lockdown measures

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has issued an order dated March 29, 2020 in light of the large movement of migrant workers which have taken place in …

India: Items and norms of assistance under State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

The State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) recently in an order dated March 28 .2020 allowed for certain items and assistance to purchased by state governments. The SDRF was constituted under …