Bargaining Against the Common Good

Most police unions have successfully shielded their members from facing any serious consequences for racist, brutal, violent behavior. George Floyd’s indicted murderer, Derek Chauvin, had had 18 civilian complaints lodged …

Lawyers Alert Initiative for the Protection of the Rights of Children, Women and the Indigent v. The Hon. Attorney-General of the Federation & 2 ors

The National Industrial Court of Nigeria upheld the preliminary objection of the 1st respondent and dismissed the suit on the grounds that the Applicant neither disclosed any cause of action …

NLRB v. International Ass’n of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, & Reinforcing Iron Workers, Local 229 Ninth Circuit Holds that First Amendment Does Not Protect Encouraging Secondary Boycotts

“The First Amendment has long had an uneasy relationship with labor law, an area riddled with exceptions to normal protections for expressive conduct. One such exception is the ban on …

Bethany College and Thomas Jorsch and Lisa Guinn, Cases 14–CA–201546 and 14–CA–201584

“In a decision released today in Bethany College, 369 NLRB No. 98, the Board held that it has no jurisdiction over the faculty at religious institutions of higher education. In …

COVID-19 and the World of Work Rapid Assessment of the Employment Impacts and Policy Responses MONTENEGRO

The decline in working hours during quarter 2 is equivalent to the loss of 31,000 full-time jobs. According to the ILO “nowcasting” model, which tracks declines in working hours resulting …

Unofficial Translation of PIL Submission in Nepal: Repatriation and reintegration of migrant workers from destination countries

Here is the English language (unofficial) translation of the submission made to the Nepal Supreme Court: Unofficial draft translation of Writ (1)

See you in court: a rise in legal attacks against rights defenders aims to silence corporate critics

“Athit Kong has been fighting to stay out of prison for more than four years. The Cambodian union leader faces criminal charges of intentional violence, obstructing public officials and obstructing …

Are We Managers or Corporals?

“On May 29, breaking news hit the front pages of the Italian major newspapers. According to these sources, the Milan Tribunal had placed Uber Eats Italy under special administration over alleged gangmastering offences. The …

Police Unions: It’s Time to Change the Law and End the Abuse

“The killing of George Floyd and the events of the last week require us to recognize that police unions have abused the power of collective bargaining in indefensible ways. These …

Slavery, servitude, and forced labour (ECtHR Fact Sheet)

Here is a fact sheet summarizing cases from the European Court of Human Rights on the prohibition of slavery and forced labour.