“On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States (Supreme Court or SCOTUS) issued a widely anticipated decision holding that the federal statutory ban on sex discrimination in …

Workers’ rights protection and enforcement by state attorneys general

“State attorneys general can play a critical role in protecting and enforcing workers’ rights. There has been a significant uptick in the involvement of state attorneys general in this area …

“How Can We Work Without Wages?” Salary Abuses Facing Migrant Workers Ahead of Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022

“When “Henry,” a Kenyan man, received the complete list of required documents that allowed him to work in Qatar, he thought all his prayers had been answered. To secure a …

Workers’ rights protection and enforcement by state attorneys general

State attorneys general can play a critical role in protecting and enforcing workers’ rights. There has been a significant uptick in the involvement of state attorneys general in this area …

SITI AISAH AND OTHERS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OEA/Ser.L/V/II. Doc. 238 27 August 2020 (Admissibility)

“The Commission notes that this petition includes allegations regarding the alleged impossibility, due to the diplomatic immunity of the foreign employers and the ineffectiveness of the protection and remedies put …

Lawyers Beyond Borders v. Union of India & Ors. WP(C).No.13444 OF 2020(S)

Lawyers Beyond Borders (LBB) filed a public interest litigation petition regarding wage theft of migrant workers repatriated to India. The High Court of Kerala found in favor of LBB and …

Why unions are good for workers—especially in a crisis like COVID-19

“The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a reality that U.S. workers have long confronted—U.S. labor law fails to protect working people. For decades, union leaders and workers’ rights advocates have called …

“Free trade” agreements and the pandemic

“Especially since they started proliferating in the 1990s, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have met with strong opposition from social movements, labor, and civil society organizations because of the threat they …

The labor-busting law firms and consultants that keep Google, Amazon and other workplaces union-free

“American companies have been very successful at preventing their workers from organizing into unions in recent decades, one of the reasons unionization in the private sector is at a record …

Sanctions on China’s top cotton supplier weave a tangled web for fashion brands

In the vast steppes of China’s northwestern Xinjiang region, a paramilitary organization produces more than 7 percent of the world’s cotton, which factories around the globe spin into T-shirts, denim …