The Global Gig Economy: How Transport Platform Companies Adapt to Regulatory Challenges—A Comparative Analysis of Six Countries

Non-standard employment practises in the gig economy have recently drawn critical attention from regulators and the courts in a number of jurisdictions across the globe. Transport platform companies have responded …

Advancing the labour rights of migrant workers beyond Kafala: the impact of ‘established-outsider relations’ on reforming Qatar’s transnational labour management system

“In the years following Qatar’s successful 2010 bid to host the FIFA World Cup 2022, there has been a significant shift in its engagement with the migrant labour rights discourse, …

Social Europe needs a new concept of ‘worker’

“The distinction between employed and self-employed is becoming incoherent and outdated A quarter of a century after Alain Supiot advocated a comprehensive extension of labour and social rights ‘beyond employment’, labour-law regimes …

At Work and Under Watch: Surveillance and suffering at Amazon and Walmart warehouses

“Amazon and Walmart are the two largest private employers in the United States, and together these two megacorporations have amassed unprecedented levels of wealth. Both companies have succeeded by pioneering …

Digital labour platforms and migrant workers

Analysing migrants’ working conditions and (over)representation in platform work in Europe “Working for labour platforms is still relatively rare, but the generally poor working conditions and the impact on the …

ACHPR: Resolution on the Development of Guidelines on the Protection of the Rights of Workers in the Informal Economy Sector in Africa

“The Commission decides:  1. to task the Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa, to develop Guidelines on the Protection of the Rights of Workers in the …

HIDDEN HARVEST: Human Rights and Environmental Abuses in India’s Shrimp Industry

“This report is the culmination of three years of research and investigations into the Indian shrimp sector, examining evidence of forced labor, living and working conditions for shrimp supply chain …

ILO Report – Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

“US$236 billion. This is the obscene level of annual profit generated from forced labour in the world today. This figure reflects the wages or earnings effectively stolen from the pockets …

‘Gig’ workers in Europe: the new platform of rights

“Last Monday, European Union member states reached a provisional agreement on the compromise text of the directive on platform work. This momentous decision comes more than two years after the European Commission’s initial …

Confronting systemic human rights violations: Human rights due diligence and state-imposed forced labor under the German Supply Chain Act

“The existence of state-imposed forced labor as a systemic human rights violation within global value chains requires an urgent corporate response. Although the issue of state-imposed forced labor and its …