UK Okpabi et al v Shell: UK Supreme Court Reaffirms Parent Companies May Owe a Duty of Care Towards Communities Impacted by their Subsidiaries in Third Countries

“The much-awaited judgment by the UK Supreme Court (SC) in Okpabi and others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc and another (Okpabi) was handed down in an online hearing on Friday 12 February 2021 some …

ILO Committee of Experts Annual Report 2021

 Application of International Labour Standards 2021 Addendum to the 2020 Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations International Labour Conference 109th Session, 2021—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_771042.pdf

The Right to Strike as Customary International Law

  Brudney_The Right to Stike as Customary International Law

Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU

Social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic “The lockdown and other restrictive measures introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic recession have had a strong impact on labour markets …

ILAW Network Amicus Brief to the US Supreme Court

The ILAW Network submitted an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court concerning the right of trade unions to access rural workers employed on private farms. The brief provides a …

Toward a new import ban on forced labor and modern slavery

The European Parliament has called for a new EU instrument that allows for import bans on products related to severe human rights violations such as forced labour or child labour. …

Issouf Coubaly v Nestle USA

Eight children who allege being used as slave labour on cocoa plantations in Cote D’Ivoire filed a lawsuit against Nestle and several other major chocolate companies. They accuse the corporations of …

Swyear Amusements, Inc. and Comite De Apoyo A Los Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA).

Judgement of the NLRB on wage theft case in favor of migrant workers: BDO.01-CA-130018.Swyear conformed


“In the shadow of the 2020 United States Presidential election, an important vote was also taking place about the employment status of gig workers. In 2019, the California Legislature had …

Assessing the Effectiveness of Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms in Providing Access to Remedy for Rightsholders: A Case Study of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

“This article explores different approaches to assessing the effectiveness of non-state-based non-judicial grievance mechanisms (NSBGMs) in achieving access to remedy for rightsholders. It queries the approach that has been widely …