This paper develops a new theoretical framework to analyze Chinese regulatory governance by considering the strategic interaction between four key players involved in the regulatory process: the top leadership, the …
This paper develops a new theoretical framework to analyze Chinese regulatory governance by considering the strategic interaction between four key players involved in the regulatory process: the top leadership, the …
OECD Complaint filed by FNV against Just Eat accepted by the Dutch National Contact point over violations of workers’ and trade union rights.
“Much of the resistance to climate protection lies in a deep fear that, whatever promises may be made, workers who lose their jobs will just be thrown on the economic …
The truth about fast fashion: can you tell how ethical your clothing is by its price?
“What is the true cost of a Zara hoodie? In April 2019, David Hachfeld of the Swiss NGO Public Eye, along with a team of researchers and the Clean Clothes …