European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Netherlands Trade Union Confederation (FNV) and National Federation of Christian Trade Unions (CNV) v. the Netherlands Complaint No. 201/2021

The complaint was registered on 12 July 2021. It concerns Article 6§4 (the right to bargain collectively) as well as Article G (restrictions) of the revised European Social Charter. The …

Where do we stand with the inclusion of vulnerable workers in the European labour market? Trade unions’ new and old objectives compared

“The essay investigates the role played, or that could be played, by trade unions for the inclusion of vulnerable workers in employment, in the wake of a recent propensity for diversity, …

Navigating the impact of AI systems in the workplace: strengths and loopholes of the EU AI Act from a labour perspective

“The rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace presents both opportunities and risks. It may improve productivity and working conditions, but if misapplied or opaquely used, may exacerbate …

UNSR Report: Contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

“In the present report to the General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, considers the role of workers’ organizations in preventing workers …

Digital Labor Platforms as Machines of Production

“Debate about the regulation of “digital labor platforms” abounds globally among scholars, legislators, and other analysts concerned about the future of work(ers). In 2024, the European Parliament passed a first-of-its …

Kathmandu’s street vendors continue to fight for a dignified livelihood

“They came armed with batons and sticks with the intention of driving out the street vendors,” says Maya Gurung, a street vendor from Kathmandu, who serves as the president of …

Most Americans have no idea how anti-worker the US supreme court has become

Under Chief Justice John Roberts, the supreme court has been supremely pro-corporate – one study even called the Roberts court “the most pro-business court in history”. Not only have many …

BARGAINING OVER WORKERS’ DATA RIGHTS: How Unions and Works Councils Can Use Collective Bargaining to Specify Workplace Data Protection Norms

“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …

Improving Workplace Data Protection Compliance

Achieving Workplace GDPR Compliance, Clarifying National Workplace Data Protection Rules, and Enhancing Worker Data Protection through Social Dialogue This paper explores what social partners, governments and civil society organisations can …

Care platforms: Impacts and challenges from a trade union perspective

“Increasing demand for long-term care (LTC) is a critical issue for the European Union (EU). According to the European Care Strategy, currently around 6 million people work in LTC in …