Here is an updated factsheet from the European Court of Human Rights of cases related to trade union rights.
Here is the full decision of the Philippines Supreme Court finding that digital platfrom drivers are employees:
Here is the full text of the proposed UK Strikes Minimum Services Levels Bill
The Board issued a decision in Bexar County II, restoring the rights of workers employed by a contractor to engage in protected concerted activity in their workplace. The new decision overturns Bexar County …
In Thryv, Inc., the Board clarified its make-whole remedy to expressly ensure that workers who are victims of labor law violations are compensated for all “direct or foreseeable pecuniary harm” suffered as …
By workers, for workers: in India, cooperatives are addressing care workers’ own caregiving needs
In attending to the needs of children, the old, sick, invalid or differently abled, almost every woman is an unpaid care worker, with caregiving largely considered a women’s responsibility the world …