David Hütter v. Technische Universität Graz (June 18, 2009) The court recognized that some differences in treatment in connection with age can be justified; in particular by legitimate employment policy …
This case discusses the ability to claim sexuality-based discrimination without actually being gay. The issue instead is whether sexuality-based discrimination was the reason for the harassment. The Court stated that …
This 133 page manual is about strengthening the trade union movement’s capacity to participate in the shaping of migration policies, promoting sound labor migration practices, reaching out to migrant workers; …
This case explains the reach of disability protection as applied to people who are discriminated against because of other people they know who are disabled. Here, the claimant’s son suffered …
This panel conversation (in 15 Geo. J. on Poverty L. & Pol’y 475 (2008)) confronts how globalization has affected the distribution of wealth, and what policy mechanisms are available to solve …
This case discusses discrimination based on disability. Here, the claimant (a tenant who had schizophrenia) sublet his house and, under law, forfeited his right to buy it. He had not …
Global Framework Agreement specific to health and safety between ArcelorMittal, the steel and mining company, and IndustriALL Global Union. IndustriALL website, http://www.industriall-union.org/sites/default/files/uploads/images/2018/agreementarcelormittalohs.pdf
Hyde and Ressaissi propose a general strategy for unions confronting multinational corporations and advocating on behalf of migrant workers. This article examines recent union defeats in Europe, as well as …
This article (in 28 Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 283 (2007)) concerns the globalization of baseball, labor and antitrust litigation, and the Major League Players Association. Gould recalls his …
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