Trade Unions Building Bridges to Protect Migrant Workers

The article shows the situation of Bangladesh migrant workers and explains the role of trade unions in solving this problem and the challenges trade unions faces.

H.R. 2759: New Federal Bill Would Require Companies to Disclose Efforts to Address Human Rights Risks in their Supply Chains

This bill, H.R. 2759 (Business Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act), modeled after the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, would require companies to disclose efforts to identify and address …

UK: Autoclenz Limited (Appellant) v Belcher and others (Respondents) [2011] UKSC 410

In this landmark U.K. appellate case, twenty “valeters” for Autoclenz, a provider of car-cleaning services to motor retailers and auctioneers, filed a claim with the U.K.’s Employment Tribunal (“ET”), arguing …

How to Present a Discrimination Claim

This handbook was published by the European Commission to help those seeking remedies under the EU non-discrimination directives and provides answers to basic questions such as on what grounds and …

The distinction between employment and independent contracting in Australia

The most authoritative Australian case on the multifactorial test distinguishing employees from independent contractors is Hollis v. Vabu [2001] HCA 44 ( However, the later decision of the Federal Court …

Australian case on the multifactorial test distinguishing employees from independent contractors

The most authoritative Australian case on the multifactorial test distinguishing employees from independent contractors is Hollis v. Vabu [2001] HCA 44 ( However, the later decision of the Federal Court …

What is wrongful or unfair dismissal in China and how to avoid it

Discussion of wrongful or unfair dismissal in China.

Towards a strategy for the inclusion of migrant workers in trade unions

This report is related to the Irish migrant workers. Also, the report addresses the commitment to develop a strategic approach to the inclusion of black and minority ethnic members.

Labour Rights in Qatar: An ITUC briefing for trade union delegates to the UN Climate Changes talks in Durban

The brief shows the regulation of trade union rights in Qatar and discusses whether migrant worker’s trade union right is violated.