The future of remote work

Debates on the future of work have taken a more fundamental turn in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Early in 2020, when large sections of the workforce were prevented …

Beyond the surface: Unpacking the opportunity structure for gender equality bargaining in Chile

“By analysing the interrelations between the regulatory framework, organisational dynamics and gender politics, we assess the challenges for Gender Equality Bargaining in Chile. Several factors in the political arena drive …

India: Rajasthan Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill, 2023

This Bill is being introduced in the Rajasthan Assembly. The legislation doubles the minimum pension to Rs 1000 per month(approx 125 USD) for all elderly widowed and disabled, with an …

India: Rajasthan Gig Workers Bill

The Government of Rajasthan has tabled “THE RAJASTHAN PLATFORM BASED GIG WORKERS (REGISTRATION AND WELFARE) BILL, 2023” which recognizes platform workers under “workers category” and provide access to basic social …

No Robot Bosses Act (Proposed)

The No Robot Bosses Act would prohibit employers from relying exclusively on automated decision-making systems in making employment decisions such as hiring or firing workers. The bill would require testing and …

Ninth Circuit Allows Human Rights Claims Against Cisco to Proceed

There may yet be life in the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). The Ninth Circuit recently held, in Doe I v. Cisco Systems, Inc., that Chinese practitioners of Falun Gong could go forward with …

UN Special Rapporteur Report: Protection of the labour and human rights of migrant workers

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Felipe González Morales, outlines the main activities undertaken during the reporting period since his most recent report …

EU: Framework Agreement on the application of Article 16 (1) of Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004 in cases of habitual cross-border telework

As of 1 July 2023, the EU intends to implement new, and more definitive rules to regulate the social security coverage for cross-border employees who work from home in their …

UNSR FOAA: Advancing the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and of association of workers in the informal economy

“Workers’ rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are neither wellrespected, protected or fulfilled in the world today. As the International Trade Union Confederation (‘ITUC’s’) 2022 Global Rights …

Just Transition Litigation in Latin America: An Initial Categorization of Climate Litigation Cases Amid the Energy Transition

“Just transition litigation is a novel field representing a sub-set of climate change litigation cases that is under-researched and studied. The report provides a novel comparative analysis of legal developments …