UK: Court Decision: Brierley & Ors v ASDA Stores Ltd., [2019] EWCA Civ 8 (17 January 2019)

Different Employment Tribunal (“ET”) judges in the United Kingdom (“U.K.”) decided factually-similar Equal Pay violation claims differently against a U.K. supermarket chain under the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure 2013 …

Forced To Work Without Pay: Do Federal Employees Have a Thirteenth Amendment Claim?

The federal government shutdown is precipitating a wave of lawsuits and talk of sick-outs and strikes. That should be no surprise when approximately 400,000 federal employees are being required to work without pay. Wait, “required.”?Talk of being “forced” or …

Korean National Assembly Addresses Workplace Bullying And Harassment Through Two New Measures

On December 27, 2018 the Korean National Assembly addressed workplace bullying and harassment in partial amendments to the Labor Standards Act (the “LSA”) and the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act. …

Philippines Republic Act No. 11166: Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act

Republic Act No. 11166, otherwise known as the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act, addresses the prevailing Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) health crisis in …

New Zealand: Community Law Manual Online- Discrimination

This chapter gives an overview of the anti-discrimination laws in New Zealand and explains the different grounds on which it’s illegal to discriminate and the actions could be taken against …

Prospects and Contexts of Demographic Transitions in Thailand

The article discusses the demographic transition and its consequence in Thailand and demographic policies including fertility, retirement age, and labor force participation. The authors express concern for human rights related …

Nigeria: Treatise on Labour Law: A Review of the Recent Uber Decision

This treatise reviews the recent decision of the UK Court of Appeal between Uber and its drivers. The Court of Appeal, in a 2-1 decision delivered on 7th December 2018, …

Labour rights in Peru and the EU trade agreement: Compliance with the commitments under the sustainable development chapter

The authors discussed the EU-Peru-Colombia agreement and its impact in Peru’s agricultural sector. They also analyze the situation of labor rights in Peru and its legal framework.

Belgium: ITUC, “2019 ITUC Global Rights Index – The World’s Worst Countries for Workers”, 2019

The 2019 index shows that Belgium has fallen in the ranking and is now a country in which rights violations are repeated (rather than sporadic as previously). In addition, 18 …

A Critical Analysis of Child Labour In India

This article summarizes the issue of child labor, with a special emphasis on India. It looks at the global definitions of child labor, types of child labor, and the factors …