The handbook follows the “three-pillar” structure of the UNGPs. Accordingly it is organised into three main sections. Chapter 1 addresses the state duty to protect against business-related human rights abuses. …
The Court concluded that on-call scheduling triggered Wage Order 7’s reporting time pay requirements. On-call shifts burden employees, who cannot take other jobs but who nonetheless receive no compensation from …
It is for this reason the Canadian Foundation for Labour Rights (CFLR) has commissioned the following paper. The objective of the paper is to provide analysis and interpretation of the …
The question before the Court was whether Nestlé is liable under Massachusetts law for failing to disclose the labor practices of its suppliers on its product packaging at the point …
The Paycheck Fairness Act would: Protect against retaliation for discussing salaries with colleagues; Prohibit employers from screening job applicants based on their salary history or requiring salary history …
By a 3-1 vote along party lines, the Board reversed its 2014 decision in FedEx and found that the franchisees who operate ride-share vans for SuperShuttle Dallas-Fort Worth are not …