“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …
“Workplace compliance with existing data protection law appears poor. A variety of reasons explain poor compliance, including a lack of legal clarity. Therefore, in order to boost workplace data protection …
Achieving Workplace GDPR Compliance, Clarifying National Workplace Data Protection Rules, and Enhancing Worker Data Protection through Social Dialogue This paper explores what social partners, governments and civil society organisations can …
“Increasing demand for long-term care (LTC) is a critical issue for the European Union (EU). According to the European Care Strategy, currently around 6 million people work in LTC in …
“The study investigates the impact of digital technologies on workers in the construction and woodworking sectors and how trade unions are responding to these changes. To answer these questions, an …
“On 1 March 2022, China’s Regulations on the Administration of Internet Information Service Recommendation Algorithms (hereafter, ‘Regulations’) entered into effect (Creemers et al., 2022). The new Chinese provisions, consisting of …
“This report identifies several areas within the platform landscape that require further attention from policymakers. Specifically, we highlight the importance of national registries to collect relevant information on platform companies, …
“When the study Labour Conditions in the Global Supply Chain: What Is the Extent and Implications of German Corporate Responsibility? was written in 2011, the question of the legal responsibility …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
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Washington DC, 20036