“Competition practices are facing a growing range of criticisms amid concerns with corporate power at an all-time high. This raises a number of challenges, including adverse impact on sustainability issues …
“Competition practices are facing a growing range of criticisms amid concerns with corporate power at an all-time high. This raises a number of challenges, including adverse impact on sustainability issues …
This briefing note by the ETUC focuses on the fact that COVID-19 should be considered an occupational disease, and what measures should be taken to ensure workers returning to work …
“Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, a wide range of exceptional measures both at EU level and at national level have been taken and/or were/are in preparation and which touch upon …
This briefing note focuses on the problems related to health and safety of workers due to the COVID-19 outbreak, such as lack of Personal Protective Equipment for essential workers, derogation …
This briefing note by the ETUC focuses on the human rights and workers’ rights impacts from the laws, policies, and measures that countries are taking, in particular by ‘declaring states …
This briefing note focuses on the unique challenges facing ‘frontier workers’ in the EU and what possible solutions can be taken. Frontier workers are the 1.5 million workers that are …
This briefing note is focused on the various measures being taken through Europe with regards to social protection and sick pay regulations and legislation. In some cases that has meant …
This briefing note prepared by ETUC is to assist in on-going negotiations around ‘short time work schemes’ as an alternative to having workers fully laid off, and are able to …
This ETUC briefing note is focused on how EU Member States must also ensure that the protections, changes in laws and regulations regarding short-term work, paid sick leave, etc,. do …
This briefing contains the following sections: • Policy pointers on the vulnerable situation of non-standard workers and platform workers amidst the COVID outburst. • Measures introduced at national level to …
International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network
c/o Solidarity Center
1130 Connecticut Ave, NW 8th Floor
Washington DC, 20036