How Unions Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate and Labor Movements

“While U.S. union den­si­ty hit an all-time low in 2019, the non­prof­it sec­tor appears to be one area where work­ers are union­iz­ing. The Non­prof­it Pro­fes­sion­al Employ­ees Union (NPEU) brought sev­en …

Ending corporate impunity is at the heart of a sustainable post-pandemic recovery – that’s why we need a strong Binding Treaty

“The Covid-19 pandemic has once again exposed the fragility of global supply chains and business models built on non-standard forms of employment and informality. Following the global drop in demand as a …

Challenges in ensuring ethical recruitment

“Opportunities to work abroad overshadow the austere realities on the ground, leaving potential migrants to weigh their options and often to choose to pay huge recruitment fees. Initiatives such as …

Collective-bargaining rights for platform workers

The pioneering Danish collective agreement on platform-based domestic workers has been vitiated by a misguided ruling by its competition authority.

Digital Piecework

“Silicon Valley capitalists have brought back piecework, using legal gray zones and digital machinery to accelerate the amount of work that goes unpaid. But, bedazzled by the technology and corporate …

YouTubers of the world, unite! – what happens when a grassroots, international creators’ movement and a traditional trade union join forces?

“Jörg Sprave built his first slingshot at the age of six but didn’t think of pursuing his hobby further until almost 40 years later. At that time Sprave, who holds …


The UK Government’s nationwide lockdown meant that the majority of British businesses were told to close their premises, save for those deemed ‘essential’ in industries such as childcare, education, health, …

India: Occupational Safety Continues to be Ignored as a Right

“Newspaper reports of workplace accidents have been appearing with an alarming frequency even as lawmakers have been busy drafting and redrafting the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code. During …

US-Africa trade relations: Why is AGOA better than a bilateral free trade agreement?

“In recent months, the U.S. began negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement with Kenya. These negotiations are aligned with the current administration’s vision for trade reciprocity rather than unilateral …

The ongoing struggle to protect Guinea’s domestic workers

“On reaching the home where she was hired as a domestic worker, on 30 May 2020, in the Sangoya district in the upper suburbs of the Guinean capital, Conakry, 20-year-old …