India: Covid-19, the Executive, and the Judiciary

“From the declaration of India’s first national lockdown, on 23 March 2020, India’s executive has taken a range of actions, purportedly to address the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many …

Protection for striking workers: is there an end to the UK anomaly because of Mercer v Alternative Futures Group Protection?

In an important trade union law case, Mercer v Alternative Future Group Limited, the President of the EAT has found that s.146 Trade Union Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (‘TULRCA 1992’) …

Transatlantic trade co-operation: a lever for environmental and labour protection?

“After the second world war, the United States became the architect and staunchest supporter of a rules-based system of world trade, embodied in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade …

How to Protect Workers While Protecting the Climate

“Much of the resistance to climate protection lies in a deep fear that, whatever promises may be made, workers who lose their jobs will just be thrown on the economic …

Clinical waste collectors – unprotected, untrained, underpaid and undervalued

“It was an accident that could have been avoided. While a waste collector was incinerating infectious waste at Connaught Hospital, Sierra Leone’s principal adult referral centre in the capital Freetown, …

Envisioning Equitable Access to Justice for Migrant Workers in India

“Mobility restrictions due to the pandemic continue to cause havoc in the lives of internal migrant workers whose livelihoods depend on low paying jobs in the unorganised sector. The situation …

Fixing the Modern Slavery Act: A new dawn for supply chain transparency?

A recent House of Lord’s private members bill proposes significant amendments to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) which would significantly increase accountability for abuses occurring in the supply chain …

The Court’s Cedar Point Opinion – Haven’t I Seen This Movie Before?

When the current Supreme Court decides a labor case, it’s like watching top film stars in the third sequel to a movie franchise – you know how it’s going to …

Despite the efforts of trade unions and NGOs, seafarer abandonment is on the rise

“I didn’t think fate would be so hard on me.” Sahabaj Khan, an Indian seafarer, never imagined that he would find himself in a situation like this. He and three …

The Surprisingly Broad Implications of Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe for Human Rights Litigation and Extraterritoriality

“In Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe, the U.S. Supreme Court took up the question of corporate liability for human rights violations under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) for the third time. …