McDonald’s Workers Sue Claiming Virus Measures Falling Short

McDonald’s Corp. was sued by a handful of workers in Chicago who claim the restaurant chain has failed to keep them and others safe while they continue to serve food …

Unfair Choices: Can Workers Refuse to Return If Their Workplaces Are Unsafe?

“Since the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, some workers have faced a gut-wrenching decision: stay at work and risk illness and death, or leave work and lose their job.  Although …

Republicans introduce bill to create legal ‘safe harbor’ for gig companies during the pandemic

“Republicans in both chambers introduced legislation Wednesday that would shield digital gig companies from lawsuits over worker classification when providing protective equipment or wage boosts during the coronavirus pandemic. The …

The Labor Department is forcing workers back to jobs that could make them sick

“As states lift their lockdowns, furloughed workers are being recalled. That’s as it should be as the economy thaws from its deep freeze. But some of these workers are being …

Derechos sindicales centran debate en Parlamento de Uruguay

El derecho sindical a la huelga revindicativa y la proteccion de las empresas publicas centran hoy el debate en el Senado de Uruguay en torno al controversial proyecto gubermental de …

AFL-CIO v. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, United States Department of Labor

Here is the petition filed by the AFL-CIO: Emergency Petition AFL-CIO Complaint

Implications for Corporate Governance Reform of the (Almost) First Food Delivery App Union

“It was supposed to be the first union for food delivery app couriers in North America. In February 2020, the labor relations board for the Canadian province of Ontario found that …

Le groupe McDonald’s poursuivi devant l’OCDE pour « harcèlement sexuel systématique »

Une coalition internationale de syndicats a annoncé avoir porté plainte lundi 18 mai devant l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) contre le groupe McDonald’s, accusé d’avoir échoué à lutter …

PIT-CNT planteó en el Parlamento su rechazo absoluto a LUC

El orden del día de la Comisión Especial para el estudio del proyecto de ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración, para este feriado 18 de mayo, evidenciaba lo inocultable: el …

Posición del Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) con respecto al Proyecto de Ley con declaración de urgente consideración

INTRODUCCION Se encuentra a estudio de esta Comisión del Senado el Proyecto de Ley con declaratoria de urgente consideración remitido por el Poder Ejecutivo, con fecha 28 de abril del …