Red tape, bad data and bribes endanger Mexico’s workers

Workplace accidents and deaths in Mexico routinely go unreported as companies flout labor laws and officials struggle to share data, a Thomson Reuters Foundation analysis found, with concerns that budget …

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: No Safe Harbor for Enablers of Child Slavery – Secondary Liability and the ATS

“The Supreme Court will face difficult questions about the reach of the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) as it hears oral argument in Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe I on Dec. 1st. Fortunately, …

Avala Corte reforma laboral que regula vida interna de los sindicatos

La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) avaló la constitucionalidad de la reforma laboral promulgada el año pasado y que regula la vida interna de los sindicatos conforme a los compromisos suscritos por México en el T-MEC. La Segunda Sala …

Why it’s time to blow the whistle on Amazon

“Amazon, as the oversimplified origin story of the Seattle-based tech juggernaut goes, was founded by Jeff Bezos in his rental home garage in 1994. Today it is one of the …

La Comisión del Trabajo aprobó por unanimidad dictamen a minuta sobre teletrabajo

La Comisión del Trabajo aprobó por unanimidad dictamen a minuta sobre teletrabajo • Avaló modificaciones para una regulación jurídica más amplia, en el artículo 330 de la Ley Federal del …

The Transformation of the Mexican Labour Regulation Model and its link to North American Economic Integration

This working paper analyses the transformations of the Mexican labour regulation model in its different phases. The first phase is selective inclusion of waged workers among the beneficiaries of the …

Ofrecen modificar ley de outsourcing

 El Gobierno federal estaría dispuesto a eliminar la criminalización del outsourcing y alargar el periodo de transición a empresas que tengan que cambiar sistemas de contratación laboral, informaron fuentes oficiales. …

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: The Prohibitions on Slavery, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking Meet the Sosa Test

“Slavery is among the oldest prohibitions under international law. In Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe I, slated for oral argument on Dec. 1st, however, the Supreme Court will consider whether to exempt …

Apple is lobbying against a bill aimed at stopping forced labor in China

Apple lobbyists are trying to weaken a new law aimed at preventing forced labor in China, according to two congressional staffers familiar with the matter, highlighting the clash between its …

Alista SCJN aval a nuevas reglas para sindicatos

La Suprema Corte de Justicia se dispone a avalar todos los aspectos relevantes de la reforma laboral de mayo de 2019, impugnados por decenas de sindicatos.