Death by inequality: How workers’ lack of power harms their health and safety

This paper focuses on the legal constraints on employers created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) and use some common examples to explore how, despite …

¿Libertad sindical? Sindicato de General Motors abre ventana de 15 horas para que 10 mil trabajadores voten nuevo contrato

El sindicato Miguel Trujillo López de la planta General Motors en Silao convoca a consulta los próximos 20 y 21 de abril, en las instalaciones de la empresa y con …

Reforma laboral, frenada por Luisa María Alcalde, denuncian telefonistas

Representantes de trabajadores telefonistas y universitarios disidentes denunciaron la “pasividad” de la secretaria del Trabajo, Luisa María Alcalde, para llevar a la práctica la reforma laboral de 2019, así como …

La clave del éxito de la reforma al outsourcing estará en el reglamento de la STPS: expertos

Erradicar las malas prácticas y las innumerables figuras que surgieron con el outsourcing estará en manos de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) quien tendrá que elaborar un reglamento sobre cuáles son …

Google Promises Not to Muzzle Staff on Pay, Settling Labor Case

Google promised not to silence workers who talk about their pay, part of a settlement resolving one of the first legal complaints filed by a new union representing hundreds of …

US bars rubber gloves from Malaysian firm due to ‘evidence of forced labour’

Top Glove, the world’s largest manufacturer of rubber gloves, has been banned from exporting its products from Malaysia to the United States after the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made a …


La parte peticionaria alega la responsabilidad internacional del Estado por la violación de los derechos humanos de ochocientos veintiocho trabajadores mineros sindicalizados que laboraban en la mina Cananea y de …

Law and Organizing for Countervailing Power

“Readers of this blog need no reminder of the pervasive inequalities that define American society.  Nor do readers need to be convinced that a perverse concentration of wealth has had …

Mexican women say gender discrimination plagues U.S. temporary work programs

A group of Mexican women migrants has filed a complaint accusing the U.S. government of violating a trade agreement by failing to enforce gender discrimination laws in temporary labor programs, …

Labor board withdraws rule to quash graduate students’ right to organize as employees

The National Labor Relations Board said Friday it will withdraw a proposed rule to deny teaching and research assistants at private universities the legal protection to form unions, upholding a 2016 decision that cleared …