General observation on matters arising from the application of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) during the COVID-19 pandemic

“The Committee notes with deep concern the challenges and the impact that restrictions and other measures adopted by governments around the world to contain the spread of the COVID19 pandemic …

From whistleblower laws to unions: How Google’s AI ethics meltdown could shape policy

It’s been two weeks since Google fired Timnit Gebru, a decision that still seems incomprehensible. Gebru is one of the most highly regarded AI ethics researchers in the world, a …

The migrant pay gap: Understanding wage differences between migrants and nationals

“Labour migration can be an important vehicle for development, when it is fair, well-governed and allows migrant workers to access decent work. The world counts an estimated 164 million migrant …

The gig workers taking legal action to regain control of their data

L ondon-based Uber driver Abdurzak Hadi is self-employed but says he is not his own boss as his workflow is determined by an obscure computer algorithm. With the ride-hailing app …

International Labour Review SPECIAL ISSUE: Transnational futures of international labour law

“This Special Issue on transnational labour law is placed in the context of the ILO centenary and the challenge of achieving the objective of decent work in a new century, …

The art of using supply chains to defend worker rights

“Supply chains have been heavily criticised since the onset of COVID-19, as shortages of PPE and other medical equipment have laid bare the vulnerabilities they create for consumers. But labour …

Why women’s right to health and gender equality should be your business

“In order to address existing inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic, companies should make a serious effort in reducing the gender pay gap, upholding maternity provisions, tackling gender bias, and reducing …

Creating a level playing field? Athletes turning to courts to protect their employment law rights

Athletes are bringing claims to assert their statutory employment rights in courts and employment tribunals, from Australia to the United States (and many places in between). Cases show a global …


When “sustainable style” blogger Leah Wise first heard about the mass layoffs and rumors of union-busting happening at Everlane, she cried. An early adopter of the brand, Wise had been buying …

ILO: Resolution concerning maritime labour issues and the COVID-19 pandemic

ILO Governing Body calls for urgent action on seafarer COVID-19 crisis: “The Governing Body of the International Labour Organization has taken the exceptional action of adopting a Resolution to address …