ILO: Decent work in a globalized economy: Lessons from public and private initiatives

“The hybridization and proliferation of forms and mechanisms of governance is a consequence of the fragmentation of production across national boundaries. The emergence of global supply chains has provided new …

Exclusive: Google workers across the globe announce international union alliance to hold Alphabet accountable

Google workers across the world are coming together to form a global union alliance. The newly formed coalition, called Alpha Global, is comprised of 13 different unions representing workers in …

Assessing the Effectiveness of Non-State-Based Grievance Mechanisms in Providing Access to Remedy for Rightsholders: A Case Study of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

“This article explores different approaches to assessing the effectiveness of non-state-based non-judicial grievance mechanisms (NSBGMs) in achieving access to remedy for rightsholders. It queries the approach that has been widely …

During a pandemic, democracy at work is even more important than ever

““I don’t mind working, but I do mind dying.” This slogan comes from the League of Revolutionary Black Workers, whose members protested, among other things, against the dangers of working on …

COVID-19 was a big test for UN migration initiatives. Did they succeed?

“During the springtime lockdowns in Europe, a poem-turned-video ‘you clap for me now’, went viral. Its message was to protect the migrants in the EU, who work to keep home-office populations …

ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition Updated estimates and analysis

In this issue of the ILO Monitor, the ILO provides data on working hours lost worldwide, and expectations for gaining that and jobs back in the first part of 2021. …

Islamic Labor Code

From Introduction: There are nearly two billion Muslims in the world, one-fourth of the total world population. In 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, more than one billion …

Wages: An Overlooked Dimension of Business and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains

Wages – the monetary payments that workers receive from employers in exchange for their labour – are widely overlooked in academic and policy debates about human rights and business in …

Auditing firms shouldn’t provide cover for the inaction of global brands on low wages

“The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the brute commercial power brands and retailers wield over garment and textile factories. It has been a harsh reminder that brands and retailers hold significant influence when …

Trade and industrial policy: implications for development and international labour standards

“Attempts to protect and promote labour standards through trade agreements have not yielded desired results, due to a lack of enforceable provisions, absence of institutional mechanisms and political will. The …