Swiss prepare to fight age discrimination

A people’s initiative, allowing workers over 50 to sue for age discrimination, will be launched soon, the NZZ am Sonntag reported on Sunday. According to Heidi Joos, the CEO of Avenir …

Top German court rules Uber limousine service illegal

Germany’s highest court ruled on Thursday that a defunct limousine service offered by Uber [UBER.UL] was illegal, in a setback for the U.S. ride-hailing company that has struggled to comply …

New legislation to protect workers to come into force next March

Legislation to protect workers in casual and precarious employment is set to come into force next March, according to the Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty. The Employment …

Labour: we’ll restore right to strike in support of overseas workers

Labour would abolish Thatcher-era laws preventing workers in the UK from taking industrial action in solidarity with their counterparts in other countries, the shadow chancellor has announced. At an event in …

Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation prepared an Overview of case law with respect to the financial liability of employees

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation summarized the case law on issues related to the financial liability of employees for the period 2015-2018. In particular, the overview includes cases …

Deliveroo riders not entitled to collective bargaining, court rules

The UK High Court ruled that Deliveroo riders are not entitled to collective bargaining, as the riders are not classified as workers of the food delivery platform. The Independent Workers Union …

UK: The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain, R (On the Application Of) v Central Arbitration Committee and Roofoods Limited t/a Deliveroo, [2018] EWHC 3342 (Admin)

In this appellate case, the High Court found that neither United Kingdom case law nor the European Court of Human Rights (“ECHR”)’s case law supported the Independent Workers Union of …

Dispatch No. 13 – Italy – “‘With great power comes virtual freedom’: A Review of the First Italian Case Holding that (Food-delivery) Platform Workers are not Employees

While platform work is on the rise at a global level, attracting intense media attention and provoking considerable discussion among social partners, academics, and international organizations[[1]], there are only a …

Pour la justice, un coursier de Take Eat Easy est un salarié

Il n’y a plus de flou juridique : les plateformes qui obligent leurs coursiers non-salariés à être localisés par GPS sont désormais hors-la-loi, selon une décision de la cour de cassation …

Union threatens tea firms with international court action

The Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) will move to an international court to take to task tea multinationals for violating Kenyan workers’ rights. Cotu secretary general Francis Atwoli claims …