Vigilance Plans Reference Guidance

The purpose of this Vigilance Plans Reference Guidance is to explain our organisation’s understanding of Law No. 2017-399 of 27 March 2017, on the duty of vigilance of parent and …

Schnittmuster für eine bessere Welt

Der Druck auf deutsche Unternehmen steigt, die Menschenrechte von Beschäftigten im Ausland zu schützen. Das Bundesentwicklungsministerium von Gerd Müller (CSU) hat dazu den Entwurf eines Wertschöpfungskettengesetzes erarbeitet. Der Text mit …

Belgium: C. trav. Liège (div. Namur), 31 Jan. 2019, Case Nr. 2017/AN/158

While it is not appropriate to prevent the legitimate exercise by workers of the means legally provided for or organized within the undertaking to improve working conditions, constructive action cannot …

Are Amazon, Walmart, and eBay’s online ‘marketplaces’ providing a refuge for goods made with forced labor?

Last month, while browsing online, we were surprised to find that we could buy cotton hand towels advertised as “made in Turkmenistan” on the websites of Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.  …

Ten-day minimum paternity leave for the whole of the EU

A directive that mandates fathers, with inclusion for same-sex partners, be allowed at least 10 working days of paid paternity leave was agreed upon by EU leaders last week. It …

France, UK: “Global Framework Agreements and Trade Unions as Monitoring Agents in Transnational Corporations”

Based on a qualitative analysis of ten French multinational companies, this article pursues an empirical investigation that presents the authors’ view of what a global framework agreement should be. The …

Pregnant then screwed: how gagging contracts are used to silence sacked mothers

In the months since the Harvey Weinstein story broke and the #MeToo movement exploded, there has been a growing awareness of the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), in some cases, …

Will the Revolution Succeed Without the Protection of Labor Rights?

Ask anyone about their working conditions in Armenia and they will tell you their rights are not protected, even if they have minimal knowledge of those rights. Indeed, labor rights …

Judges of the International Criminal Court demand 26% wage raise

A number of the ICC judges have filed a lawsuit against their court for more pay. Now they earn annually about $200,000 whereas some of them can even get more …

Belgium: C.Trav. Liege, 18 Jan. 2019, Case Nr. 2017/AL/523

The provisions relating to moral harassment contained in the law of 4 August 1996 do not tolerate the lack of prevention for which the employer is certainly responsible under the …