Ms JW v Khalid Basfar Case 2206477/2018

JW brought a claim against her Saudi diplomat employer, who had bought her to the UK as a domestic servant. The facts of her claim involve working for over 16 hours …

France: les prud’hommes condamnent Saint-Gobain à dédommager les travailleurs de l’Oise

Dans sa décision rendue le 3 juin, les prud’hommes de Compiègne (France) ont condamné Saint-Gobain à dédommager les 130 employés de l’usine de Thourotte (département de l’Oise), spécialisée dans la …

Ryanair, definitiva condanna per comportamento antisindacale

“Con una sentenza, emessa oggi (6 giugno, ndr), il Tribunale di Busto Arsizio rigetta il ricorso di Ryanair e condanna in via definitiva la compagnia per comportamento antisindacale nei confronti di …

Ukraine: Additional requirement of necessary minimum age for obtaining a seniority pension – unconstitutional

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has declared unconstitutional provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On pension provision” (par.“a” of Art.54, Art.55) which establish an additional requirement of necessary minimum age …

50 blacklisted trade unionists win £1.9m from building firms

More than 50 trade union members have won compensation totalling £1.9m after major construction firms admitted that they had been unlawfully blacklisted and denied work. The compensation will be paid …

The Netherlands takes an historic step by adopting child labour due diligence law

Today the Dutch Senate voted to adopt the Child Labour Due Diligence Bill. In doing so, the Netherlands demonstrates that it is serious about combating child labour in global supply …

Commentary: Jurisdiction, access to remedy in business and human rights cases, and the corporate structure: A tale of two cases

This note introduces two cases, both concerned with liability under a duty of care of parent companies, the obligation of ‘due diligence’ in supply chain operations and the obstacles presented …

Belgium: Cass., 6 May 2019, Case Nr. S.17.0085.F

Under Article 31, § 4 of the Act of 24 July 1987 on temporary work, temporary agency work and the placing of workers at the disposal of users, the user …

Suicides à France Télécom : le procès démarre ce lundi

Près de dix ans après la vague de suicides chez l’ancien monopole d’État dans un climat social particulièrement lourd, l’entreprise, son ancien PDG Didier Lombard, ainsi que six ex-responsables sont …

Commentary: Jabir et al vs. KiK: Do EU companies have an extraterritorial duty towards suppliers in global production chains?

Multinational companies not only maintain subsidiaries in multiple jurisdictions but have increasingly outsourced production to independent suppliers. Industrial disasters like the Ali Enterprises (AE) factory fire in Karachi, Pakistan, or …