Casamitjana was fired after he had alerted co-workers to the fact that their employer’s pension fund invested in companies that engaged in animal testing and that other “ethical” pension funds …
Casamitjana was fired after he had alerted co-workers to the fact that their employer’s pension fund invested in companies that engaged in animal testing and that other “ethical” pension funds …
Recent protests by delivery couriers have focused public interest on precarity and labour rights in Ukraine. With unbearable and sometimes dangerous conditions, working as a courier is one of the poorest paid …
As human rights advocates working in a number of countries, including the U.S., we have seen how policies that reduce regulation of dangerous industries can increase health and safety risks …
ECCJ has conducted a comparative legal analysis of different laws and proposals that introduce Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) obligations for companies and corporate liability in Europe. The table looks …
En France, comme en Europe, de nombreux salariés disent se sentir défavorisés au travail en raison de critères non objectifs et non professionnels. Depuis 2018, la peur des Français d’être …