Only about two months have passed from the entry into force of the Law On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine on Restarting Government Institutions (registration number 1066), Ukrainian parliament passed on …

ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE No. 231/2001: A model for Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation?

In 2011, the UN Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Guiding Principles emphasized, on one hand, the State duty to …

German Constitutional Court: Ban on Strike Action for Civil Servants Deemed Constitutional

“In this case, teachers in four German federal states who had the status of civil servants (Beamte) participated in strike activities organized by the trade union for the education sector, …

Living wages in international and European law

“The majority of EU Member States provide for a statutory minimum wage, although the amount guaranteed is usually not sufficient to secure adequate protection above the poverty threshold (Clauwaert, 2019: …

Uber facing ban in Geneva

The head of the cantonal government Mauro Poggia told AFP that it had conducted an in-depth judicial analysis of Uber’s case, and determined that the drivers should be considered employees …

Italy: Ottobre – Novembre 2019 issue of Bollettino

New rules for riders and digital workers Law 128/2019, converting Decree Law n. 101/19 (Urgent measures for the protection of work and company crisis management) confirms that the working relationships …

The safety business: TÜV SÜD’s role in the Brumadinho dam failure in Brazil

On 15 October 2019, five Brazilians who lost close family members in the dam failure, together with ECCHR and MISEREOR, and supported by Brazilian NGOs Associação Comunitária da Jangada and …

NGOs file suit against Total over Uganda oil project

Six NGOs said Wednesday that they had filed a lawsuit against the French energy giant Total over an oil field project in Uganda, accusing it of failing to avert “disastrous …

France: Article on Discrimination in the workplace in the publication Courrier Cadre

More than one-fourth of French employees have been either a victim or a witness of sexism (30%) and racism (28%) in the workplace according to a study conducted by Glassdoor …

Lawyers contest UK imports of ‘slave-picked’ Uzbek cotton in landmark EU case

A landmark legal challenge will be filed in Britain on Monday over cotton imports from Uzbekistan in a case lawyers say could pave the way to stop slave-made goods entering …