PERC Statement on Armenia-Azerbaijan armed conflict.

“Peace is an integral condition for the well-being of workers. The trade union movement is based on the principle of unity. The movement has always systematically opposed narrow political interests …

Briefing Paper: Lessening the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis

“Civil society organisations (CSOs) are at the forefront of the COVID-19 mitigation effort in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region. This crisis is posing an all-encompassing challenge to EaP countries’ societies, …

Can collective bargaining help close the gender wage gap for women in non-standard jobs?

Across the OECD, in 2017, 31.2% of women of working age on average were in non-standard employment, such as temporary and part-time work, compared to 15.3% of men. Non-standard work …

German proposals for supply chain law spark fierce debate

“A plan by two German ministers to propose a due diligence law for supply chains has sparked a fierce debate in Europe’s largest economy over how to meet human rights …

Employment Status, Tax and the Gig Economy—Improving the Fit or Making the Break?

“One particular issue is that of employment status and the differential amounts of tax and National Insurance paid by people providing their labour through different legal structures. Different structures also …

Belgium:, “What is a sexual harassment policy?”

This article aims to motivate the establishment of a sexual harassment policy focusing on the prevention and management of sexual harassment in the workplace. According to the article, a sexual …

Uber drivers in UK to take international legal action demanding access to their data

A group of Uber drivers from the UK are to take international legal action demanding access to their data held by the ride-hailing company. The group of UK Uber drivers …

Uber v Heller and the Prospects for a Transnational Judicial Dialogue on the Gig Economy – II

“In the coming days, labour lawyers from around the world will be tuning in to watch the arguments in Uber v Aslam. In terms of the wider ramifications of the reasoning …

AFMB and Others (C-610/18) v Raad van bestuur van de Sociale verzekeringsbank,

Here is the judgment by the European Court of Justice, finding an employer-employee relationship. “In its judgment in AFMB and Others (C-610/18), delivered on16 July 2020, the Grand Chamber of …

UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Assembly Communication on Ukraine Draft Law

“In this connection, I would like to bring to the attention of your Excellency’s Government information I have received concerning the draft law No. 2681, which includes several provisions that, …