European Court of Human Rights: Work-related Rights Fact Sheet

Updated Fact Sheet of cases on Work-Related Rights  

New rights to improve work-life balance in the EU enter into application today

As of today, all Member States must apply EU-wide rules to improve work-life balance for parents and carers adopted in 2019. These rules set out minimum standards for paternity, parental and carers’ …

Gig Workers Are Losing Their Hard-Won Rights

A battle between unions and Just Eat France sets a troubling precedent for platform workers. IT WAS 2020 when, in a bold challenge to industry orthodoxy, one of the world’s biggest …

Social Europe: More transparent and predictable working conditions for workers in EU

Today is the deadline for EU Member States to transpose the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions into national law. The Directive provides more extensive and updated labour rights and protection …

Wage Theft In Georgia: The Financial Impact of Labor Rights Violations

“Wage theft is one of the most prevalent labor rights violations in Georgia today, yet it remains mostly ignored in debates about labor policy. Indeed, the term “wage theft” (მოპარული …

UK: Court rejects Uber’s attempt to have facial recognition discrimination claim struck out

The East London Employment Tribunal has refused Uber’s application to have a discrimination claim struck out. The claim is brought by ADCU member Pa Edrissa Manjang because he was dismissed …

The EU Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Platform Work: an overview.

“This article discusses the proposal for the EU Directive on Platform Work. While welcoming the proposal advanced by the Commission, it highlights some of its shortcomings and suggests more robust …

Ukraine to pass laws wrecking workers’ rights

The Ukrainian parliament has passed two new radical measures on labour liberalisation, prompting fears of Ukrainians losing workplace rights permanently as Russia’s war puts huge pressure on the country’s economy. …

An Assessment of the EU’s Draft Guidelines on the Application of EU Competition Law to Collective Agreements of the Solo Self-Employed

“On December 9, 2021, the European Commission published its draft Guidelines on collective bargaining for solo self-employed persons. The Guidelines aim to remove existing competition law restrictions to collective bargaining …

Madrid Cleaners Get Relief After Death at Platinum-Owned Firm

Madrid’s city council and the companies that clean Spanish capital’s streets have agreed to health and safety guidelines for high temperatures after a street sweeper died from heat. Manual street …