UK: “Tribunal awards £2 for employer’s refusal of unsuitable companion at disciplinary hearing”

In a decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) in the United Kingdom, applying Section 10 of the Employment Relations Act 1999 and reconsidering its decision in Toal & Hughes …

UK, EU: “In Unions We Trust! Analysing Confidence in Unions across Europe”

This article reports on the findings of an empirical study undertaken in fourteen European countries, exploring whether there is a genuine crisis regarding “confidence in unions”. It emerges that unions …

Mongolia: Monitoring by the Trade Unions on the Implementation of the Labour Law

This report was conducted by the National Legal Institute of Mongolia in 2008. It examines the current role of representative organizations and discusses the need and legal means to advance …

Belgium: C.Trav. Brux., 20 June 2017, Case Nr. 2015/AB/197

In the context of the operation of a training institute, the fixing of course periods, the existence of annual closing periods, the setting up of schedules and the organization of …

Vigilance or Compliance? On the New French “Vigilance” Law

Discusses the newly enacted French Vigilance Law, which “extends to all French companies that have more than 5,000 employees domestically or employ 10,000 employees worldwide” and requires them to enact …

The French Law on Duty of Care: A Historic Step Towards Making Globalization Work for All

The difficult journey of the French Bill on the duty of care of parent and subcontracting companies came to an end on 23 March 2017, when the French Constitutional Council …


The Competition Amendment Bill introduced exemptions from competition law for certain self-employed workers. This amendment was in response to a decision by the Competition Authority which issued a decision defining …

“Transnational Collective Agreements and the Development of New Spaces for Union Action: The Formal and Informal Uses of International and European Framework Agreements in the UK”

This article explores the relevance of transnational collective agreements (TCAs) for industrial relations on an international and UK basis. The empirical study considers four UK multinational companies covered by TCAs, …

An international guide to employment law across 28 countries – Europe highlights (Free Paywall)

This article tackles a broad overview of employment law and the rights of workers throughout the European Union.  There is a section for nearly every country in the EU that …

UK: “Digital Labour”

In this chapter of the book, “Digital Geographies,” the authors look at both how geography matters and for whom it matters as employers increasingly utilize income-generating “digital labor” located around …