She Recorded Her Boss’s Lewd Call. Guess Who Went to Jail?

The high school bookkeeper, Nuril Maknun, faced constant harassment from her boss, the principal. At school, he often described his sex life and pressured her to have an affair. After …

The fault in our factories

In November, Saeeda Khatoon flew to Europe to seek justice for the death of her son and 257 others, in the Baldia factory inferno of 2012. With the support of …

Philippines Republic Act No. 11166: Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act

Republic Act No. 11166, otherwise known as the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act, addresses the prevailing Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) health crisis in …

Landgericht weist Klage gegen „Kik“ ab

Das Unternehmen aus Bönen lässt unter anderem in Karachi (Pakistan) produzieren. 2012 hatte es dort in der Fabrik von Ali Enterprises ein verheerendes Feuer gegeben. 259 Arbeiter kamen ums Leben. …

Der KiK-Fall: Eine ganze Industrie schaut am 10. Januar auf das LG Dortmund

Der KiK-Fall, der heute vor dem LG Dortmund verhandelt wird (AZ O 95/15), könnte eine ganze Industrie umkrempeln. Wahrscheinlich wird das nicht passieren, da die Ansprüche verjährt sein könnten. Die Argumentation der …


The Regional Court in Dortmund will not investigate the facts in the case against the German textile retailer KiK. The proceedings were initiated by four Pakistani plaintiffs who were affected by …

Parent Company paid for FamilyMart Franchisee’s back wages

Employees whose wages had not been paid for several months asked for the Labor Supervision department’s help. After the department’s investigation, the employment relationship was confirmed. Since the department could …

New Zealand: Community Law Manual Online- Discrimination

This chapter gives an overview of the anti-discrimination laws in New Zealand and explains the different grounds on which it’s illegal to discriminate and the actions could be taken against …

Prospects and Contexts of Demographic Transitions in Thailand

The article discusses the demographic transition and its consequence in Thailand and demographic policies including fertility, retirement age, and labor force participation. The authors express concern for human rights related …

A Critical Analysis of Child Labour In India

This article summarizes the issue of child labor, with a special emphasis on India. It looks at the global definitions of child labor, types of child labor, and the factors …