India: State regulations notified under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1857.

Following a rise of coronavirus cases in India, the state governments of Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have enacted emergency regulations pursuant to the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 …

How is Gig Economy Redefining The Job Trends in India

The article opines on the rise in blue-collar jobs as part of the gig economy in India and analysis of the provisions of the Code on Social Security 2019 which …

India: Karnataka Labor Department Notification Regarding Employees Infected with Coronavirus

The Department of Labor, of the state government of Karnataka has issued a notification dated March 5, 2020 (March 5 Notification) mandating that in light of the COVID-19 outbreak certain …


Nearly seven years ago, in April 2013, the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed and killed more than one thousand workers. This U.S. Senate Report describes how today many …

At AFL-CIO, Senator Menendez Releases Report Assessing Labor Rights and Safety in Bangladesh’s Garment Factories

WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today released a new Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic Staff report investigating the treatment of garment workers, labor rights, and factory safety …

Work-related gendered violence including sexual harassment: A Guide for Employers

Work-related gendered violence is a serious occupational health and safety issue. This guide is intended to help employers prevent and respond to work-related gendered violence.

An economic analysis of interstate migrant construction workers in Kannur District in Kerala

This paper studies the reason that forces the migration of construction workers to Kannur in Kerala, the socio-economic challenges they face, and the interventions that the government can make to …

‘Uyghurs for sale’: Report exposes forced labour beyond Xinjiang, implicating major brands

The Chinese government has secretly transferred thousands of Uyghurs and other ethnic minority citizens from Xinjiang to factories across the country, according to a new report that implicates brands including Apple, …

Uyghurs for sale

The Chinese government has facilitated the mass transfer of Uyghur and other ethnic minority citizens from the far west region of Xinjiang to factories across the country. Under conditions that …

China compels Uighurs to work in shoe factory that supplies Nike

The workers in standard-issue blue jackets stitch and glue and press together about 8 million pairs of Nikes each year at Qingdao Taekwang Shoes Co., a Nike supplier for more than …