Roadmap for Women’s Economic Empowerment with a Focus on Women in Informal Economy and in Agriculture

“Gender equality and women’s empowerment are intrinsic to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda). Its stand alone goal, “to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of …

These gloves help fight COVID-19. But they’re made in sweatshop conditions

They work 12-hour shifts, six days a week, on factory floors where temperatures can surpass 100 degrees. Lunch breaks are brief, sick days highly discouraged. Take too long coming back …

Anger as Hong Kong court keeps ‘discriminatory’ live-in rule for migrant maids

A Hong Kong court’s decision to uphold a compulsory rule for migrant domestic workers to live with their employers drew criticism on Tuesday from labour rights advocates, who said it …

U.S. lawmakers seek to tighten ban on forced-labor goods from China’s Xinjiang

Leading U.S. lawmakers proposed legislation on Wednesday aimed at preventing goods made from forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region from reaching the United States. The legislation would require importers to …

Auditors to Stop Inspecting Factories in China’s Xinjiang Despite Forced-Labor Concerns

At least five organizations say they won’t help companies audit their supply chains in China’s Xinjiang region, where human-rights activists say a police-state atmosphere and government controls make it too …

China sharply expands mass labor program in Tibet

China is pushing growing numbers of Tibetan rural laborers off the land and into recently built military-style training centers where they are turned into factory workers, mirroring a program in …

Unions in the Fair Work Act Decade – and the Aftermath of ‘Change the Rules’

“The decade in which the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) has been in operation has continued to present challenges for the Australian union movement. Despite high hopes that the 2009 legislation’s support …

New law to protect Thai fishermen seen boosting child labour

Teenagers could work as unpaid interns on Thai fishing vessels in a proposed change to the law that activists fear will encourage child labour. An amendment to a ministerial regulation …


“This is the first study to reveal the depth of social exclusion, racism and deeper emotional consequences of Australia’s policies, which have significantly impacted Australia’s global reputation. Three in five …

‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19

“In early April, Prime Minister Scott Morrison sent a clear message to temporary visa holders that if they were no longer financially solvent to ride out the pandemic, they were not …