India: MHA Order restricting movement of migrants and strict enforcement of lockdown measures

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has issued an order dated March 29, 2020 in light of the large movement of migrant workers which have taken place in …

India: Items and norms of assistance under State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

The State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) recently in an order dated March 28 .2020 allowed for certain items and assistance to purchased by state governments. The SDRF was constituted under …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to protect self-employed workers

This ETUC briefing note is focused on how EU Member States must also ensure that the protections, changes in laws and regulations regarding short-term work, paid sick leave, etc,. do …

Briefing Note: National measures to protect non-standard workers including workers in the platform economy

This briefing contains the following sections: • Policy pointers on the vulnerable situation of non-standard workers and platform workers amidst the COVID outburst. • Measures introduced at national level to …

The Right to Refuse in a COVID-19 World

In view of the fact that the Ontario government has declared a state of emergency under the under section 7.0.1(1) of theEmergency Management and Civil Protection Act and passed O. Reg. 82/30 declaring …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to support households by providing different (tax) relief measures

Workers who just a couple of weeks ago were struggling but getting by are now worried about how they will pay their bills. Some Member States have looked to include …


In apparel, textile, and footwear—a sector where workers will fare especially poorly— there are 50 million workers, many of them women who are their families’ primary wage earner. Very few …

Short Time Work Measures Across Europe (COVID-19)

Throughout Europe trade unions are negotiating short time work schemes with both employers and governments so that workers are not let go during the COVID-19 lockdown but instead continue to …

ETUC Briefing Note: National measures to avoid collective/individual lay-offs (incl. granting (additional/special) leaves)

This briefing note focuses on strategies to avoid worker lay offs and to ensure alternatives such as ‘short-term work schemes,’ teleworking, etc. to avoid a complete loss of wages. This …

ITUC Global COVID-19 Survey: Half of countries in lockdown as COVID-19 pandemic wreaks health and economic havoc on working people and their families

The International Trade Union Confederation conducted a survey regarding how countries are responding to the COVID-19 crisis and what sorts of impacts from closures, shelter in place orders, or a …