Temp Workers Face Greater Risk and Insecurity in COVID-19 Crisis

“In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, some of our most essential workers are temp workers. The warehouse workers who fulfill and package online orders often don’t work for Amazon but …

(EU) A Worker is a Worker: How to Ensure that Undocumented Migrant Workers Can Access Justice

This report therefore explores judicial and statebased1 non-judicial labour complaints and redress mechanisms that are in place in 15 EU member states, and what happens or would happen when undocumented …

UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Statement on COVID-19

“The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to overwhelm public health care systems, and is having devastating impacts across the world on all spheres of life – the economy, social security, education …

Withhold Release Orders, in Three Acts: Heralding A New Enforcement Era

“The Tariff Act of 1930 included a little-known and rarely used weapon to combat importation of goods made with forced labor, Section 307. But the act included an exception – …

Garment supply chains in intensive care? Human rights due diligence in times of (economic) crises

This paper from ECCHR explores the following questions: • What should proper due diligence by brands and retailers have looked like in relation to these human rights in the years …

Covid-19 crisis makes clear a new concept of ‘worker’ is overdue

The crisis has highlighted the vulnerability of those outside conventional employment. A broader concept of ‘worker’ is needed to protect them equally. The Covid-19 crisis has found the western world, …

World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2020

“The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index® 2020 is the latest report in an annual series measuring the rule of law based on the experiences and perceptions of …

Jordan: Full Text of Defense Order No. 6

This defense order has been widely criticized by union and human rights activists, since among other things, it gies the employers the right to pay only 50% of the workers’ …

Shaping a new social contract through the pandemic

“In the midst of our COVID-19 pandemic, there are rising calls for government and business to form a ‘new social contract’. This would tackle the immediate economic hardship, and more …

ILO Monitor 2nd edition: COVID-19 and the world of work Updated estimates and analysis

ILO’s updated analysis and estimates regarding the situation of workers worldwide as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic closures.